When I was in my early 20's, the idea of going out with my girlfriends was what kept me excited all week. Whether it was during boring lectures at college or during training at my first "big girl" job, I remember that a large portion of my early 20's was spent on the texting machine about what we are going to wear, how to carpool, etc. Once I hit my mid 20's, the idea of standing in line to get in a loud compact club to stand in another line to the bar and the bathroom, became a less appealing way to spend time with my girlfriends. Our weekends mostly consisted of getting our nails done, going out to dinners, and perhaps getting a drink for a celebratory occasion. When we got in our late 20's and early 30's, with the majority of us married and some with kids, meeting for nails, dinner or drinks WAS the celebratory occasion.
What has not changed over all these years is the excitement we still feel to plan a night of bonding and fun with all of our girlfriends. As women, we share an intimate bond with our closest friends, a trait somehow only reserved for our gender. Which is why I think most of the spa parties we have done are for women in this age group. A lot of women in our age group love the idea of getting their friends together for a night of relaxation, with the perks of food and drinks, without the hassle of leaving home. If you are like many of us, and looking for unique ways to get girlfriends together for a night of reunion or celebrations, here are some tips on a DIY spa party right in the comfort of your home:
1) Invite your friends: Get a head count of how many people can attend. Have people Paypal you a small deposit ($10-$15 / person), so they are committed to the event and you are not liable for the entire cost.
2) Look around for catering: Providing some sort of refreshment, that looks professional, always livens up the party. Panera, Cosi or Corner Bakery are some of my favorites. Usually you can cater from these places for a fairly cheap rate: $4-$5 per person.
3) Get some spa robes: If you have spa robes at home, those are great accessories for a spa party. You can also ask your girlfriends to bring their own.
4) Alcohol: What spa party is complete without Mimosas? All you need is some champagne, orange juice and wine glasses. It is ALWAYS a hit.
5) Set the mood: Put aside one room for everyone to gather and socialize in (the "party room" as we call it) and a second "treatment room" for the treatments. Have the food/alcohol/music in the "party room" and provide some candles/relaxing music (search massage music on Pandora) for the "treatment room".
6) Hire a professional: This is the only part you should not "do it yourself". Read reviews online and ask around for a professional to provide massage, nails or facials. If you buy products yourself to throw a party, it will cost more than the professional's rate. Plus, amateur massage can cause a serious body injury due to incorrect muscle stimulation, incorrect sanitation during doing nails can cause bacteria growth and utilizing products (that do not require a professional license to be purchased) can cause serious skin reaction and rashes.
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